Tuesday, November 15, 2011

.:just another manic monday:.

that is exactly how i feel today...i feel a little off, emotional and edgy.

i had a full weekend of activities and not much time for sleeping, but i am ready for a new week! yes, mondays suck, but doesn't it feel like mondays can also mean a fresh start? a jumping off point for starting to achieve a new goal, feeling refreshed to hone in your work duties or just simply, moving forward to bigger and better things? i needed a monday, i needed a fresh start and i needed a clean slate to move forward.

which leads me to...

.....guilty as charged. although, i have picked up my game at the yoga studio, my attendance in the weight room is non-existent. it is too early to hibernate and let's face it, how else am i suppose to survive this unforgiving MN winter without working out? tonight, i have the evening off of coaching and i have a date with my mf (man friend) and the weight room. what's better than working out with your mf? i'm sure most of you laughed and said, 'PLENTY', but working out for both of us is a way to decompress, to keep our sanity, so truly, heading to the gym together is like a date for us (which usually leads to drinks afterwards, but that helps keep our sanity too).

i have accomplished yet another goal! my baby, henry, will be going in on thursday to be neutered and declawed, poor guy doesn't even know what is coming! also, this week i have plans to attempt a few new recipes (egg cupcakes for breakfast and possibly something in the crockpot....) along with homemade laundry detergent, things could get dangerous around my house.

as i was driving to basketball practice last night, i thought of goals to put in here (don't mind the randomness, it just happens):.

>sweat once a day:. yoga, weight lifting, running, anything! i gotta get moving even if it is for only 30 mins/day
>catch more ZZZzzzs! this is always easier said than done, but recently recovering from a cold makes you motivated to sleep more. i've realized that my body will never crash for 12-15 hours at a time to get caught up on sleep, so i must hold myself accountable for getting my 8 hours. more sleep will also promote more energy for working out (can anyone say, 6 am yoga?)
>live in a different state or country:. don't get me wrong, i absolutely love MN and believe we have a beautiful state, but i think experiencing living somewhere else, even for a short period, would make me appreciate it even more
>travel, travel, travel:. i have really been bitten by the travel bug, unfortunately, my bank account laughs at me when i look at it for extra money to put away to for a trip, but that will come....
>earn full-time status at my current job:. ok, it's not my ideal job, but everyone has to start somewhere and to get anywhere, you need money (i.e. go back to school). i am working hard in my suffocating cubicle to receive full-time which means benefits and more money (refer back to travel, travel, travel)
>organize my life:. it's really not that serious and i can't be the only one who struggles with this (right?), but going from work to coaching along with packing different outfits to try to fit in yoga or a run in between can cause a chaotic room and car. i've always found that it's much easier to STAY organized than to GET organized, but i tend to forget that when i'm flying out the door and won't be back for 12+ hours.
>get another tattoo:. i realize i do need money for this as well, so i'm not going to be able to get this done for awhile, but it will happen!
>start christmas shopping NOW:. and yes, i mean now! living simply and christmas shopping do not go hand in hand, so i must start being creative for christmas gifts and spread out that expense over the next month and a half.

i'm slowly starting to feel stressed and that the walls of my cubicle are moving in on me as i make this list, so that's all i'm going to 'mention' for now.

i'm off to answer my phone and change people's lives!

always striving for more,
dee b.

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