i was fortunate enough to see my mom and grandma on saturday at my Grandma's 90th birthday, 90! some people have asked me what her secret is and my response is, she simply forgets how old she is.....literally. we joke about it because it is hard to see such a strong influence in your life slowly lose grasp of reality and forget who you are, but she's still there, somewhere. either way, it was a very special way to spend a part of Mother's day enjoying the company of my mom, grandma and other family.
although i wasn't able to spend the actual Mother's Day with my mom or any other mommas in my life, i still felt like i was still spending the day with her because in a way, i am her (scary!).
in all seriousness, i have a lot to thank my mom for because i certainly wouldn't be who i am today without her guidance and example. i was fortunate to spend my day doing things that i know i enjoy thanks to my mom's influence; biking and gardening!
we always had a tradition growing up that my mom and i would plant her flower garden on Mother's day and i thought of that on sunday, as i was planting flowers in my own garden. it was a special moment that i got to spend by myself reflecting on those past years.
after the MF spent a couple hours with his mom and grandma, we decided to go on a looooong bike ride and enjoy the nice day (approx. 35 miles, yikes). along the way, again i felt my mom's silent presence as i enjoyed the nature, the fresh air, and simply the sport of biking. the MF and i even mentioned how it's crazy, but nice that we are finally able to enjoy the scenery without our parents around to 'encourage' us to appreciate it.
so here is a much deserved shout out to my momma: i cannot begin to thank you enough for all that you have done for me. from being my sanity in a household of boys, to all of our BK trips (although incredibly unhealthy, i will never forget our order: whopper jr with cheese, no onion or tomatoes and fries x2), for all our shopping trips, being my running buddy and most important, believing me when i didn't believe in myself whether knee related or otherwise. i will forever have your influence apart of me including the big characteristics such as cleaning (someday), mannerisms and devilishly good looks to the silent things, enjoying nature and leading a healthy lifestyle (i'll overlook the years of BK). you will always be my momma, my support and my best friend, i love you MORE.
please enjoy these photos, a few are from our bike ride on Mother's day while a few are some with me and my mommas in my life.....you are all amazingly strong and selfless women......
always striving for more,
dee b.